Generous Leyland
Friday 25th September 2015
The installation meeting of Leyland Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 1002 saw the RW PGM Keith Beardmore in attendance. Accompanying Keith at Wellington Park was his deputy Geoffrey Lee along with a veritable galaxy of other worthy and distinguished guests.
Keith Beardmore, Derek Easton and Allan Scott.
There was a good turnout of Brethren who had recently received promotion to R.A.M. Provincial Grand Rank and a team of acting officers from the Mark including Senior Warden Andy Whittle and Junior Warden Tony Cross.
Andy Whittle, Keith Beardmore, standard bearer Jack Bell and Tony Cross.
They all added to the ceremonial part of the evening.
Keith takes wine with Derek as Keith’s “Personal Protection Officers” hoover discreetly in the back-ground!
The additional pressure of the influx of visitors did not perturb Allan Scott who installed his successor Derek Easton in good style.
To mark the occasion Keith was presented with two very generous cheques totalling £1,002. The first in favour of the Rosemere Cancer Foundation was for £500 with the remainder being directed to the West Lancashire Mark Masons’ Charity.
Keith Beardmore, Derek Easton and Geoffrey Lee.
Following the ceremony the Brethren enjoyed a superb meal and good company along with the obligatory raffle.
Above and Below The Brethren at leisure.
With two candidates proposed on the evening Derek looks to be in for a busy year in the R.A.M. However when you add in the fact that he is also shortly to be installed in the chair of his craft lodge as well then that busy year becomes a very busy year.
Article and Photographs Courtesy of David Sear